On Wednesday, Dec. 12, the Argenta Film Series at the Argenta Community Theater will screen "Paradise Lost," Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky's 1996 documentary about the child murders in West Memphis and the three men who came to be known as the West Memphis Three. Following the film, Jason Baldwin, will make his first public appearance in the state since he and Damien Echols and Jessie Misskelley were released from Arkansas prisons in 2011 after submitting an Alford plea, under which a defendant asserts innocence while pleading guilty. He'll be joined by filmmaker Joe Berlinger and Arkansas Times contributor Mara Leveritt, the author of WM3 case related Devil's Knot and the follow-up Justice Knot. Reserve your FREE tickets to the screening here.
On Thursday, Dec. 13, Baldwin, Berlinger and Leveritt will participate in a panel discussion at the Clinton School entitled "The Case for Cameras in Court." Judges rarely allow trials to be videotaped. Had Berlinger and Sinofsky not been allowed to film the trials of Baldwin, Echols and Misskelley, most believe Baldwin and Misskelley would still be in jail and Echols, who was sentenced to death, would have been executed. Get your FREE tickets by emailing [email protected] or calling 501-683-5239.
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